Hello reader,
This week’s newsletter dispatch location is again my crammed desk, only its not 3 am in the morning this time. I’ve had physically and mentally a very rough two weeks and I am in no shape to put stress on my tiny brain and write a decent enough letter. Since I don’t want to ever do this half heartedly, I will only share a few things that I’ve been really looking forward to, because oversharing is something I do with all my heart.
renting a cozy and dimly lit apartment. walking in after a long day and unwinding with a nice bath and scented candles. going to bed later and reading while snuggling with my cats (whom i have named toothless and noori) and waking up to the bright yellow sunlight pouring through my windows, on my bed. making my own breakfast and following my own routine of studying and working. making pasta for dinner and having friends over for intimate dinner parties.
tomorrow’s lunch which i’m hoping would be raw mango rice, south india style.
meeting preksha’s nephew who is SUCH a cute little, wee little baby. i can’t wait to see him.
deliveries opening in my city because i HAVE to have my preferred dostoevsky translation. i refuse to read any dostoevsky unless it’s translated by pevear and volokhonsky but at the same time its like my mind is craving some dostoevsky, im in a major readers’ block that i know i will only get over if i read him. (this is me pleading anyone who can to get a copy of the idiot and/or the brothers karamazov, translated by p&v, of course, delivered to me :( i will always be very, very grateful)

the lockdown to come to an end because i want to visit all my friends before leaving for grad school and also because i need a visa.
to dye all my hair purple again, even pink and blue this time.
to go to boston and explore second hand bookstores, what a dream!
and surprisingly, however bad I am at it, to work again on monday, it is saturday evening and i am already bored.
lastly and most importantly, to read jbrekkie’s new memoir Crying in H Mart (and her new album, out in June), and kalki koechlin’s The Elephant in the Womb!!!!!!! She just announced the book today and I can not wait, absolutely can not!!! i love kalki, she’s my wifeee.
Thanks for reading these unnecessary details of things that I keep harping on. Here’s a song for you from Big Moon Energy. I hope it makes for a good tune for your Sunday :) Stay home and safe <3
Love and warmth,